Our vision

Since 2019, EPSA has been able to structure and set the framework for a transformation towards a “responsible” business model, i.e., a contributor to societal issues, while planning for the group’s growth in the coming years.

2022-2026 marks the acceleration of this ambition, with EPSA intending to remain a company focused on garnering people with human values and thus fulfilling the Group’s raison d’être: “To make EPSA a springboard that reveals the particular talents of each individual, through unique professions and by offering a range of opportunities favorable to personal fulfillment and professional accomplishment”.

EPSA for Good brings together under a single banner the social and environmental transformation of our operating model, complemented by the contribution of EPSA Foundation, an endowment fund that acts in favor of the General Interest, and BuyzeWay, the group’s disabled-friendly company, which demonstrates that combining economic performance and social impact can go hand in hand.

Our global commitment

We support UN Global Compact

EPSA Group supports the ten principles of the United Nations Global Compact concerning the respect of human rights, international labor standards, environmental protection and the fight against corruption.

Through this commitment, we express our willingness to integrate these principles into our company’s strategy, culture and daily operations, and to advance them in our area of influence.

Further Information

EPSA Foundation wishes to contribute to a world built on human values by acting with the youth for a world more respectful of the environment, and, later, by accompanying the most fragile members of society in finding or reintegrating the job market.

EPSA BuyzeWay

Integrating solutions with a social or environmental impact into each of its areas of expertise is a real challenge. Building and proposing an offer that is adapted to today’s issues and anticipating those of tomorrow is key and is one of the lasting solutions to effectively face the challenges of our time.

This is why EPSA has a disabled-friendly company in its group, which reconciles economic performance and social impact.

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