Designing new products and services
Bring out future business models
Our vocation is to support its customers in an innovation process which has a strong impact on their future results. Our role is therefore to help them in the creation of new products and services which make sense and which clearly bring progress for their customers.
To do this, we are mainly engaged in agile mode in order to accelerate the pace of development, to lower the costs to limit the risks.
Vos objectifs
In order to revisit and digitise your offerings, our innovation processes enable you to take a step back by immersing yourself 360° in your world but also in related worlds. It has become essential to have digital access to the market and an offering adapted to digital constraints. We can help you structure this approach by drawing on our skills in design thinking, usage observation and UX design.
Our method
Our added value
Our multidisciplinary teams are able to produce strong ideas and materialize them . We are not simple facilitators.
During workshops with our clients, we come with ideas, convictions, inputs that move projects forward.

We can help you with all your needs.
We can help you, whatever your needs.
You have questions, we have the answers.
EPSA goes beyond